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About Me



Hi there! I'm an open person who really enjoys working with others and building strong relationships. I'm a great team player and I love collaborating with others, but I'm also able to work independently and take on leadership roles when needed. I'm constantly looking for ways to improve myself and my skills, and I'm really passionate about what I do. I'm excited to bring that passion and dedication to any project I'm a part of and work with others to make a difference.



Proficiency in Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, and React

Familiarity with Git and GitHub

Experience with Agile development methodologies

Exposure to both SQL and NoSQL databases

Background in software design and development

Competency in identifying and troubleshooting defects in software



Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland

Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering

Graduated: June 2022



I'm a curious and adventurous person who really enjoys being outdoors. Hiking and playing sports like volleyball are some of my favorite activities, and I also have a passion for travel and discovering new places. I'm always on the lookout for new experiences and opportunities to learn and try new things, whether it's trying out a new hobby or trying a new type of cuisine. I love a good challenge and I'm always up for trying something new!


Zephyrus Aerolabs

Project image

The application was designed to provide an admin dashboard that enables users to view, analyse and monitor emission data, as well as generate reports utilizing data obtained from the specialized equipment. My responsibilities included utilizing Flask for the back-end technology and JavaScript, CSS, and HTML for the front-end.

Due to the nature of the project, I was not able to share the code publicly.


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Stockholm, Sweden

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